- Even and Odd Number
- Small and Big Number
- Grade point (if else)
- Find Mean,Median and Median
- Find the Region.
- Distance of two point
- power using LOOP
- power using recursive function
- power(using math.h function).
- factorial using recursive function
- Factorial
- power(using math.h function)
- power using recursive function
- power using LOOP
- summation using 2D Array
- EVEN AND ODD using array
- Summation using Array
- ARRAY minimum to maximum
- Matrix addition
- factorial using recursive function
- count the length of a sentence without string function
- CONVERT capital letters in small & small in capital
- count the length of a sentence ( string strlen function)
- Find the maximum in easy way
- Find minimum and maximum in easy way.
- Find the location among the array position
- revers the arrary number
- Find the power using array
- Find Even and Odd number using Arrary
- switch case : find the Date
- matrix multiplication DETAILS
- fibonacci serice : using function
- Leap year - logic and Math
- find Min and Max among the 3 value.
- summation + Subtraction +Multiplication + divided
- Prime number
- 1+2+3+4+.............n
- 1+(1/2)+(1/3)+(1/4)+.............+n
- (1.2)+(3.4)+(5.6)+............n
- (1.2.3)+(2.3.4)+(3.4.5)+........n
- 1+2+4+7+11......up to numbers
- 1+3+5+......UP TO 9
- s=80+75+70+........
- Quotient and Remainder
- Area of the circle
- Celsius to Fahrenheit
- peramid print using loop
- Namta
- Sound
- Second to Hour /Min convert
- printf -n to n
- separate each number from a big number
- show capital letters in small & small in capital
- Series=40-38+36-........n
- count character , small letter,capital letter, double letter, Vowel in a sentence
- Converting a sentence string to a string array of words in Java
- Bubble Sort in java
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