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সমস্যা ও সমাধান

সমস্যা সমাধান :

  1. Even and Odd Number
  2. Small and Big Number 
  3. Grade point (if else)
  4. Find Mean,Median and Median
  5. Find the Region.    
  6. Distance of two point
  7. power using LOOP
  8. power using recursive function
  9. power(using math.h function).
  10. factorial using recursive function
  11. Factorial
  12. power(using math.h function)
  13. power using recursive function
  14. power using LOOP
  15. summation using 2D Array
  16. EVEN AND ODD using array
  17. Summation using Array
  18. ARRAY minimum to maximum
  20. Matrix addition
  21. factorial using recursive function
  22. count the length of a sentence without string function
  23. CONVERT capital letters in small & small in capital
  24. count the length of a sentence ( string strlen function)
  25. Find the maximum in easy way
  26. Find minimum and maximum in easy way.
  27. Find the location among the array position
  28. revers the arrary number
  29. Find the power using array
  30. Find Even and Odd number using Arrary
  31. switch case : find the Date 
  32. matrix multiplication DETAILS
  33. fibonacci serice : using function
  34. Leap year - logic and Math
  35. find Min and Max among the 3 value.
  36. summation + Subtraction +Multiplication + divided
  37. Prime number
  38. 1+2+3+4+.............n
  39. 1+(1/2)+(1/3)+(1/4)+.............+n
  40. (1.2)+(3.4)+(5.6)+............n
  41. (1.2.3)+(2.3.4)+(3.4.5)+........n
  42. 1+2+4+7+11......up to numbers
  43. 1+3+5+......UP TO 9
  44. s=80+75+70+........
  45. Quotient and Remainder
  46. Area of the circle
  47. Celsius to Fahrenheit
  48. peramid print using loop
  49. Namta
  50. Sound
  51. Second to Hour /Min convert
  52. printf -n to n
  53. separate each number from a big number
  54. show capital letters in small & small in capital
  55. Series=40-38+36-........n
  56. count character , small letter,capital letter, double letter, Vowel in a sentence
  57. Converting a sentence string to a string array of words in Java
  58. Bubble Sort in java

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